Brockton Boxers


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DW Field Park Tower
Our 2023 BHS '60 Mini-Reunion Was Held At The
Fireseide Grille and Function Hall
Middleboro, MA - September 29, 2023

Click above to watch our September 29, 2023 Mini-Reunion Video

(For Full screen click the 4-cornered box in the lower right of the YouTube screen)

We hope that ALL atendees had an "AWESOME" time!!!

Tom Chew, Judy (Higgins) Donohue, & Kerry Harkins

Have a Great Autumn, 2023 Everyone!!

Click HERE to watch our 2019 Mini-Reunion Video!

Click HERE for a Video of Our BHS Class of '60 2018 Spring Fling! 5.6.2018

Click HERE for Actual Video Footage of our 2018 Spring Fling!

Watch Full Screen, Sound up!

Click HERE for a Video of Our BHS Class of '60 2017 Spring Fling! 4.30.2017

Click HERE for a Slideo of Our BHS Class of '60 2017 Spring Fling! 4.30.2017

Click HERE for a photo album of Our BHS Class of '60 2016 Spring Fling! 4.13.2016

Our 2015 Spring Fling was held on April 15, 2015 at George's Cafe.
A Great Time was Had by ALL!!

Click HERE for a Video of Our BHS Class of 1960 2014 Spring Fling! 5.20.2014

Click HERE for a short Video of Our BHS '60 2013 Spring Fling! 4.24.2013

Click HERE for a short Video (Judy Donohue, Larry Siskind, & Hugh Ellis)
at Ouzr BHS '60 2013 Spring Fling! 4.24.2013

CClick HERE for our 2012 December Holiday Gathering Photo Album 12.12.2012

Click HERE for our 2012 Fall Cape Cod Mini-Reunion Photo Album 10.21.2012
Click HERE for Video 1 of our 10/21 mini (Lois Berman)

Click HERE for our 2012 Spring George's cafe Mini-Reunion Photo Album 4.15.2012

Click HERE for our 2011 Stoneforge Mini-Reunion Photo Album 12.12.2011

Click HERE for our 2011 Fall Mini- Reunion Photo Album 9.25.2011

As you all know, Hugh Ellis was very involved with setting up many of our Mini-Reunions over the years until his passing in May of 2014. His Birthday was October 20th, and I saw a Facebook Post written by his wife, Carole, that showed how sad she was as Hugh's birthdate approached. I had some video clips with Hugh in them and decided I would create a short video made up of various clips that reflected Hugh and his many antics that had us in stitches during our many mini-reunions and other gatherings . . . I have posted that on my YouTube account and have given Carole the link and told her to share it with her children and grandchildren. She has done so and she said it was like bringing him to life again, and asked me to share it with his BHS friends. I offer this video as a tribute to our friend and classmate Huge Ellis and His wife Carole . . .

Click HERE and then watch full screen, sound up for maximum enjoyment . . .

Kerry Harkins,
BHS Class of 1960 Webmaster

Brockton City Hall
Field Park Tower City Hall
George G. Snow Clock, North Main St Forest Avenue School, Brockton, MA
The "Clock" Little Red
School House
Have a Great 2019 Everyone!!

Website designed and maintained by Kerry Harkins, Promaras / BHS class of 1960.